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Sundays are meaningful for the ECC community. We believe gathering together weekly is one way we faithfully embody the Kingdom of God in this place. However we don't believe our time together on Sundays is our core identity. Who we are and how we live throughout the week is just as valuable.
Study 9:00 am
Worship (English) 10:15 am
Conversation 5:00 Pm
Much more can be said about each hour, but we'd rather do that in person and encourage you to experience them yourself.
Children on Sundays
During the study hour at 9:00, we have age-appropriate ways to learn about God, ourselves and the world.
Elementary children join the rest of us for worship at 10:15 and are dismissed for Junior Church following the Lord's Supper.
Finally, the conversation hour encourages guided play for elementary children. Youth have meaningful conversations facilitated by adults.
We provide loving and secure nursery care for the littlest ones throughout all three hours of our Sunday gatherings.
We believe our kids and youth are full participants in the life of the ECC community. They have opportunities to grow and mature both with people their own ages and intergenerationally with the full congregation. They contribute in their own meaningful ways to who we are, serving and being served.
Contact us
57 N. Rural St
Indianapolis, IN 46201
Parking & entrance
behind building off Rural
one church
Englewood Christian Church is an expression of the One Church, the Body of Christ. We believe the local church is a real community, which is more than a religious institution. The local church exists as the continuing presence of Christ's body in the surrounding community. As such, we worship and live and work together, recognizing God's continued transformational work in and through us.