Church life at Englewood is more than membership in a religious institution; church life is community life. We recognize God has called the Church to be a real community with a loving and robust life together. We find common work together; we bear one another’s burdens; we play together; and we walk together through life’s most challenging and important transitions. We believe our life together, walking in the way of Jesus and maturing toward a full expression of the Body of Christ, is the way God provides imagination for a healthy community to our neighbors. We care about every aspect of life: education, healthcare, finding meaningful work, housing, nutrition, economics, public policy, etc. We seek to embody “the Jesus way” in all these (and many more) aspects of life.
Sundays are both culmination of the preceding week and a beginning of the upcoming week. While we’re very much a seven-day a week church, Sundays are an essential time of binding us together.
Our 9:00 am hour looks very much like traditional Sunday School, with classes for all ages and an assortment of options for adults.
At 10:15 am, we gather for a one-hour worship service that includes singing, a family sharing time, communal prayer, a celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and Scripture reading and reflection.
A critical part of our life together takes place on Sundays at 5:00 pm: Sunday Conversation. The conversation is a one-hour opportunity to connect with one another on topics of interest. These conversations set the tone for many informal conversations that take place over coffee, during small group meetings, work projects or ministry team meetings during the week.
Learning to talk with one another is essential for deep fellowship and solidarity
Our church life intentionally spills out in wonderful ways into our neighborhood, city and world
Our work in community development and early education are more visible activities in our neighborhood, but the number of committees, projects and events in which we are involved with our neighbors is staggering. We take Jesus’s words seriously for the church to be salt, light and leaven in the world!